Carnelly House
Carnelly House, Co Clare
Carnelly House, Co. Clare, built c. 1750, design attributed to architect Francis Bindon
Courtesy of NIAHCourtesy of NIAH
Carnelly House, Co Clare
Carnelly House, Co. Clare, built c. 1750, design attributed to architect Francis Bindon
Courtesy of NIAHReg. No: 20404201
Date: 1725-1775
Previous Name: N/A
Townland: Carrownanelly
County: Co. Clare
Special Interest: Architectural/ Artistic/ Social/ Historical
Rating: National
Original Use: Country House
In Use As: House
Detached five-bay three-storey over basement red brick house, built c. 1750. Design attributed to architect Francis Bindon. Three-bay two-storey recessed wing added to right hand side, c. 1840. Hipped slate roof with brick chimneystacks and cut-stone eaves course. Pitched slate roof to extension. Brick walls with cut-stone plat bands, plinth and quoins. Rendered walls to side. Carved limestone Serlian doorcase with timber panelled door, sidelights and fanlight, approached by flight of limestone steps. Timber sliding sash and casement windows set in cut-stone architraves with keystones. Retaining interior features. Detached three-bay single-storey double-pile red brick gate lodge with single-bay gabled projecting central bay having elliptical-headed door opening and bracketed eaves. Cut-stone piers with cast-iron gates and railings.
Carnelly House, Co Clare
Carnelly House, Co. Clare, built c. 1750, design attributed to architect Francis Bindon
Courtesy of NIAHCarnelly House, Co Clare - Courtesy of NIAH
Carnelly House, Co Clare
Carnelly House, Co. Clare, built c. 1750, design attributed to architect Francis Bindon
Courtesy of NIAHCarnelly House, Co Clare - Courtesy of NIAH
Steps up to Carnelly House, Co Clare
Carnelly House, Co. Clare, built c. 1750, design attributed to architect Francis Bindon
Courtesy of NIAHSteps up to Carnelly House, Co Clare - Courtesy of NIAH
Gates to Carnelly House, Co Clare
Gates to Carnelly House, Co. Clare, built c. 1750, design attributed to architect Francis Bindon
Courtesy of NIAHGates to Carnelly House, Co Clare - Courtesy of NIAH
Window of Carnelly House, Co Clare
Carnelly House, Co. Clare, built c. 1750, design attributed to architect Francis Bindon
Courtesy of NIAHWindow of Carnelly House, Co Clare - Courtesy of NIAH
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