Loop Head Lighthouse
Loop Head Lighthouse and buildings
Built 1854
Courtesy of NIAHLoop Head Lighthouse and buildings
Courtesy of NIAH
Courtesy of NIAH
Loop Head Lighthouse and buildings
Built 1854
Courtesy of NIAHReg. No: 20407101
Date: 1850-4855
Previous Name: N/A
Townland: Kilbaha South
County: Co. Clare
Special Interest: Architectural/ Social/ Technical
Rating: Regional
Original Use: Lighthouse
In Use As: Lighthouse
Loop Head Lighthouse
Built 1854
Courtesy of NIAHLoop Head Lighthouse
Courtesy of NIAH
Courtesy of NIAH
Loop Head Lighthouse
Built 1854
Courtesy of NIAHLoop Head Lighthouse
Built 1854
Courtesy of NIAHLoop Head Lighthouse
Courtesy of NIAH
Courtesy of NIAH
Loop Head Lighthouse
Built 1854
Courtesy of NIAH
Freestanding circular-plan single-bay four-stage lighthouse, built 1854, surmounted by metal framed glazed lantern surrounded by metal walkway.
Cut-limestone walls with base batter and consoles beneath walkway.
Timber sliding sash windows.
Timber matchboard door.
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