Newhall House
Newhall House, Co Clare
Newhall House, Co. Clare, built c.1765
Courtesy of NIAHCourtesy of NIAH
Newhall House, Co Clare
Newhall House, Co. Clare, built c.1765
Courtesy of NIAHReg. No: 20404106
Date: 1760-1770
Previous Name: N/A
Townland: Newhall
County: Co. Clare
Special Interest: Architectural/ Artistic/ Social/ Historical
Rating: National
Original Use: Country House
Detached seven-bay two-storey red brick house, built c. 1765, with three-bay full-height balustraded canted central projection, single-bay full-height bow windows to side elevations and eight-bay two- and three-storey lower wing to rear. Design attributed to architect Francis Bindon. Possibly incorporating fabric of earlier building, c. 1650. Hipped slate roof to main block, conical roofs to side bows and pitched roof to rear with cut-stone eaves course, brick chimneystacks, and balustrade to canted central projection. Flemish bond brick walls with cut-stone string course and brick panels over first floor windows. Timber sliding sash windows. Carved limestone door surround comprising shouldered architrave with pediment above. Timber panelled door. Retaining interior features. Pair of detached single-bay single-storey gate lodges with round-headed niches, lancet-arch openings and diagonal corner piers to site, now derelict. Cut-stone piers with cast-iron gates and railings.
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