Kilcroney House
Kilcroney House
Courtesy of the NIAH
Courtesy of the NIAH
Kilcroney House
Courtesy of the NIAH
Reg. No: 16400704
Date: 1830 - 1840
Townland: Kilcroney
County: Co. Wicklow
Special Interest: Architectural, Artistic, Social
Rating: Regional
Original Use: Country House
In Use As: School
Detached multiple-bay two-storey Tudoresque former country house, built in 1835, used as a golf and sports club in the mid 1900s and is now in use as a school. The building is constructed in granite with moulded string courses and drip mouldings, and comprised of a series of gabled wings. The panelled door is part glazed and is set within a Tudor-arched opening; it has decorative sidelights and a small balcony with pierced stone baluster over. Window openings are largely flat-headed with stone mullions and transoms, and have replacement top-hung uPVC windows. There is an oriel window to the front elevation with a castellated parapet an hipped roof. The pitched roof is finished with natural slate and cast-iron rainwater goods. The chimney stacks are ashlar granite with boldly corbelled caps and clay pots. The building is set within a large mature garden.
This is a medium sized country house, in mildly Tudoresque style, which is in substantially original condition. Although the building has undergone a number of changes of use and the replacement of original windows with uPVC, it has nevertheless retained most of its original detail and all of its original character.
Kilcroney House
Courtesy of the NIAH
Kilcroney House - Courtesy of the NIAH
Entrance to Kilcroney House, Co Wicklow
Courtesy of the NIAH
Entrance to Kilcroney House, Co Wicklow - Courtesy of the NIAH
Door at Kilcroney House, Co Wicklow
Courtesy of the NIAH
Door at Kilcroney House, Co Wicklow - Courtesy of the NIAH
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