Kilruddery House
Kilruddery House, Bray, Co Wicklow
Courtesy of the NIAH
Courtesy of the NIAH
Kilruddery House, Bray, Co Wicklow
Courtesy of the NIAH
Reg. No: 1640816
Date: 1810-1830
Previous Name: N/A
Townland: Kilruddery Demesne West
County: Co Wicklow
Sepcial Interest: Architectural/ Artistic/ Archaeological/ Social
Rating: National
Original Use: Country House
In Use As: Country House
Detached multiple-bay part single part two part three and part four-storey Mansion, originally dating from the 17th century, but remodelled and extended in 1820 in Elizabethan style to designs by Sir Richard Morrison. Part of the front wing was demolished in the 1950s and the remainder of the wing was redesigned by Claud Phillimore. There are three principal fronts with pointed, crow-stepped and curvilinear gables. The entrance is set within a three-storey canted bay. Window openings are generally flat-headed and frames are a mixture of timber sash, timber casement and fixed lights. There are a number of half gabled dormers, oriel windows and mullioned and transomed windows. To the north is a range of offices which incorporate the 17th-century portion. To the south and west is a large domed conservatory. The house is set within a large landscaped demesne which include long paired canals to the south garden front.
Though part demolished in the 1950s, this building is still one of the finest examples of the Elizabethan Rural style in the country, much popularised by the Morrisons in the early 19th century.
Avenue at Kilrudddery House
Courtesy of the NIAH
Avenue at Kilrudddery House - Courtesy of the NIAH
Courtyard at Kilruddery House
Courtesy of the NIAH
Courtyard at Kilruddery House - Courtesy of the NIAH
Crest at Kilruddery House
Courtesy of the NIAH
Crest at Kilruddery House - Courtesy of the NIAH
Kilruddery House
Courtesy of the NIAH
Kilruddery House - Courtesy of the NIAH
Gardens at Kilruddery House
Courtesy of the NIAH
Gardens at Kilruddery House - Courtesy of the NIAH
Gardens at Kilruddery House, Bray
Courtesy of the NIAH
Gardens at Kilruddery House, Bray - Courtesy of the NIAH
Entrance to Kilruddery House
Courtesy of the NIAH
Entrance to Kilruddery House - Courtesy of the NIAH
Gate Lodge at Kilruddery House
Courtesy of the NIAH
Gate Lodge at Kilruddery House - Courtesy of the NIAH
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