Shelton Abbey
Courtesy of the NIAH
Reg. No: 16404005
Date: 1770 - 1775
Townland: Shelton Abbey
County: Co. Wicklow
Special Interest: Architectural, Artistic, Historical
Rating: National
Original Use: Country House
In Use As: Prison
A detached eleven-bay two storey former mansion, built in 1770 but remodelled in gothic style to designs by Sir Richard Morrison in 1819. The building is finished with lined render and granite dressings. The decorative panelled front door has a blind fanlight and is set within a pointed-arched opening. This is recessed within a projecting triple arched flat-roofed porch. Window openings are generally set within flat-headed openings; there are some mullioned and transomed arrangements.
The front is lavishly embellished with reducing buttresses with tall pinnacles. To the north and rear large two storeys wings were later added. The mainly pitched roof is finished with natural slate and has cast-iron rainwater goods. The building is set within a large wooded demesne.
Internally the elaborate plasterwork is still intact.
An important early 19th century country house which has been very well preserved. At that time the 'Abbey style' was considered appropriate to secluded settings such as this. It has been converted to institutional use with no loss of character.
Shelton Abbey, Co Wicklow
Shelton House was built in 1770 but was remodelled in gothic style to designs by Sir Richard Morrison in 1819.
Courtesy of the NIAHShelton Abbey, Co Wicklow - Courtesy of the NIAH
Driveway to Shelton Abbey, Co Wicklow
Shelton House was built in 1770 but was remodelled in gothic style to designs by Sir Richard Morrison in 1819.
Courtesy of the NIAHDriveway to Shelton Abbey, Co Wicklow - Courtesy of the NIAH
Wall detail at Shelton Abbey, Co Wicklow
Shelton House was built in 1770 but was remodelled in gothic style to designs by Sir Richard Morrison in 1819.
Courtesy of the NIAHWall detail at Shelton Abbey, Co Wicklow - Courtesy of the NIAH
Entrance to Shelton Abbey, Co Wicklow
Shelton House was built in 1770 but was remodelled in gothic style to designs by Sir Richard Morrison in 1819.
Courtesy of the NIAHEntrance to Shelton Abbey, Co Wicklow - Courtesy of the NIAH
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