Calendar Customs
Christmas decorations
Christmas decorations. Ballyfermot, Dublin, 2008
Copyright of The Irish TimesCopyright of The Irish Times
Christmas decorations
Christmas decorations. Ballyfermot, Dublin, 2008
Copyright of The Irish Times
“If one were to ask which particular branch of folk tradition most widely reveals the panorama of the whole, the answer would undoubtedly be calendar custom. Calendar custom is deeply influenced by environment, by climate, by the fertility of the soil, by the proximity of such geographical features as the sea, rivers, lakes, mountains, and moors. It is intimately connected with the daily and yearly routine of work. It is associated with travel and trade. It bears upon the social traditions of the community and upon the individual lives of the community’s members. It embodies devotional and religious practices, divination, healing, mythology, and magic. It abounds in explanatory tale and legend, historical allusion, and pious parable, and includes all manner of amusements, sports, and pastimes.”
Kevin Danaher, The Year in Ireland, 1972
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