Fulacht Fia / Fulachtaí Fia

Also known as burnt mounds or ancient cooking places, these small grassed-over mounds of fire-cracked stones are very common in some counties. They are usually found in boggy land or close to a water supply. When excavated, a pit lined with wattle, timber or stone is usually found, in which water was heated by rolling in hot stones from a nearby fire. Meat could have been cooked in the boiling water and the mound was formed of shattered stones shovelled from the pit after each use. There is also some evidence that these sites were used for bathing in ancient times.

Ás Gaeilge:

Cairn dhóite nó áiteanna ársa cócaireachta is ea iad seo. Tá na cairn bheaga seo de chlocha atá scoilte ag tine an-choitianta i gcontaetha áirithe. Bíonn siad clúdaithe le féar. De ghnáth, bíonn siad le fáil ar thalamh portaigh nó cóngarach do sholáthar uisce. Nuair a thochlaítear iad, tagtar ar pholl línithe le caolach, adhmad nó cloch de ghnáth. Rinneadh uisce a théamh suas trí clocha teo ó thine gar dó a chur isteach ann. D’fhéadfaí gur cócáladh feoil san uisce bruite. Dhéantaí an carn trí clocha briste a ghlacadh ón bpoll gach uair a bhaintí úsáid as. Tá roinnt fianaise ann freisin go mbaintí úsáid as na séadchomharthaí seo mar fholcadáin in aoiseanna ársa.

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