
Carrantual, Ireland's highest peak at 3,414 feet. Carrantual forms part of the MacGillycuddy Reeks which which are closely associated with Ireland's premier beauty spot, Killarney and its lakes.

MacGillycuddy is named after a local chief and means the son of the servant of St.Mo-Chuta, Mac Gilla Mochuta. Mo-Chuta is the Irish name of St. Carthage the founder of the Celtic monastery of Lismore.

Carrauntual is usually translated as Corran tuathail, the inverted reaping hook or sometimes Toole's Cairne, Carn tuathail.

The peak is a mecca for mountain climbers in Ireland and overseas and is widely regarded as a considerable challenge.

It is probably best approached by either the Windy Gap road from Kenmare or from Glenflesk by the track that skirts Lough Guitane.

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