The Beginnings

In early May 1878, a meeting was held in the Council Chamber, in the City Hall for the purpose of "considering the advisability of setting up a Rowing Club".

The Chairman, Major O'Gorman M.P. said he regarded it as a shame that Waterford did not have a rowing club as Dublin, Belfast, Cork and Drogheda already had clubs. This received an enthusiastic response and the attendance at the meeting was very large.


Resolutions were proposed and adopted approving of the formation of a club, appointing a committee to draw of rules, when upwards of fifty persons put down their names as members. By May 20th 1878 the club had formed and had 130 members.

The Waterford Daily Mail of 20th May described it as; "one of those associations for healthy and innocent amusement which all approve", adding "we were rejoiced to see the harmony with which it has been launched and proceeded".

It was hoped that the Waterford Boat Club would "contribute by healthy and rational amusement to enliven the routine of our otherwise dull life".


Waterford Boat Club Crest

Waterford Boat Club Crest

© Waterford City Library

Waterford Boat Club Crest - © Waterford City Library

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