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  • June

    ... Gardens in Tullow Co Carlow is hosting a Rose Week from 20 th 24 th June This is a great opportunity to view the superb collection of roses at the gardens with guided tours beginning at 2pm ...
    • Environment & Geography
    • ENFO
  • July

    ... the 5 th and 6 th July Carlow County Council has advised that this will result in some disruption to the water supply in the following areas Ballyoliver Ballybit Kill Moatabower Straboe ...
    • Environment & Geography
    • ENFO
  • Extending the line to Kilkenny

    ... of the railway line from Carlow to Lavistown 2 miles from Kilkenny The Great Southern and Western Railway were important shareholders in the Company and they also executed the works on the line ...
    • Environment & Geography
    • Carlow County Library
  • Railway Bridges

    ... on the railway works to Carlow By late June 1846 nearly all the cuttings were completed to within a few yards of the terminus The Carlow Sentinel of June 27th reported that the bridge crossing ...
    • Environment & Geography
    • Carlow County Library
  • William Richard Le Fanu [1816-1894]

    ... by William Richard Le Fanu Carlow County Library Title page of W R Le Fanu s Book Carlow County Library An Extract from the book Seventy years of Irish Life2 written by William Richard Le Fanu in ...
    • Environment & Geography
    • Carlow County Library
  • Eliza Reaches Her Destination

    ... Station is not as big as Carlow Station It is a very nice building with railway lines onwards to Borris and Kilkenny We look out of the window and there is Aunty Margaret with Uncle Tommy Katie ...
    • Carlow
    • Carlow County Library
  • Ms Janet Jacobs

    Ms Janet Jacobs

    ... Scheme Contract W S C Carlow Carlow North Regional Water Supply Scheme Water Treatment Plant Sion Cross W Kilkenny Kilmacow Sewerage Scheme Contract 2 Wastewater Treatment Plant DBO S ...
    • Askaboutireland
  • Building the gateway

    Building the gateway

    Building the gateway

    ... dolmen Kernanstown County Carlow a portal tomb dating from c 3300 2900 B C Courtesy of Carlow County Library Gateway the Building Below Photograph taken in Castlebar by Wynne Photographers c The ...
    • An Chomhairle Leabharlanna
    • An Chomhairle Leabharlanna
  • Our Cultural Heritage: Building the Gateway

    Our Cultural Heritage: Building the Gateway

    Our Cultural Heritage: Building the Gateway

    ... dolmen Kernanstown County Carlow a portal tomb dating from c 3300 2900 B C Courtesy of Carlow County Library Gateway the Building Below Photograph taken in Castlebar by Wynne Photographers c The ...
    • Publications
    • Publications
  • 33978 Library Council Cover

    33978 Library Council Cover

    ... dolmen Kernanstown County Carlow a portal tomb dating from c 3300 2900 B C Courtesy of Carlow County Library Gateway the Building Below Photograph taken in Castlebar by Wynne Photographers c The ...
    • Reading Room
    • Askaboutireland
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