Search Results ... (218)
European Parliment Directive on the energy performance of buildings (2002)
European Parliment Directive on the energy performance of buildings (2002)
Biodegradable Waste Diversion from Landfill
Biodegradable Waste Diversion from Landfill
Biodegradable waste diversion from landfill: progress against targets. Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
Low Carbon B-rated Car VRT
Low Carbon B-rated Car VRT
A detailed guide to Insulating your Home
A detailed guide to Insulating your Home
Ensemble mean seasonal temperature increases projected for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s
Ensemble mean seasonal temperature increases projected for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s
Ensemble mean seasonal temperature increases projected for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s. Source: Fealy, R. and Sweeney, J. (2008) Climate Scenarios for Ireland, in Sweeney, J. (Ed) Climate Change: Refining the Impacts, Environmental Protection Agency, Wexford.
Fealy, R. and Sweeney, J. (2008)
Allotment Calendar
Allotment Calendar
Ensemble mean seasonal precipitation increases projected for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s
Ensemble mean seasonal precipitation increases projected for the 2020s, 2050s and 2080s
Ensemble mean seasonal preciptation increases projected for the 2020s – 2080s. Source: Fealy, R. and Sweeney, J. (2008) Climate Scenarios for Ireland, in Sweeney, J. (Ed) Climate Change: Refining the Impacts, Environmental Protection Agency, Wexford.
Fealy, R. and Sweeney, J. (2008)
Daisies Calendar
Daisies Calendar
Carbon Budget Statement
... and Local Government 15 October 2008 Introduction A Cheann Comhairle I welcome the opportunity of contributing to this debate on the Budget both as Leader of the Green Party and as Minister ...
2010 Bathing Water Quality Map
2010 Bathing Water Quality Map
2010 Bathing Water Quality Map
2010 Bathing Water Quality Map