Search Results ... (218)
Recovery of packaging waste
Recovery of packaging waste
Recovery of packaging waste and progress towards targets 2001-2006. Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
Annual mean NO2 concentrations 2001-2007
Annual mean NO2 concentrations 2001-2007
Annual mean NO2 concentrations 2001-2007. Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
Faecal coliforms in groundwater
Faecal coliforms in groundwater
Faecal coliforms in groundwater. Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
Agricultural land use
Agricultural land use
Agricultural land use. Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
Ireland's distance to Kyoto Limit
Ireland's distance to Kyoto Limit
Ireland's distance to Kyoto Limit. Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
Average SO2 Concentrations
Average SO2 Concentrations
Annual mean SO2 concentrations 2002-2007. Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
CO concentrations in Dublin and Cork 1999-2007
CO concentrations in Dublin and Cork 1999-2007
Maximum 8-hour mean CO concentrations in Dublin and Cork 1999-2007. Source: Ireland's Environment 2007.
Courtesy EPA
Ozone concentrations
Ozone concentrations
Number of days with maximum 8-hour ozone concentrations greater than 120 μg/m3, 1998-2007. Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
PM 10 concentrations
PM 10 concentrations
Number of days with PM 10 concentrations greater than 50 μg/m3 1998-2007. Source: Ireland's Environment 2008.
Courtesy EPA
Trends in Municipal Waste Generation 2002-2006
Trends in Municipal Waste Generation 2002-2006
Trends in municipal waste generation 2002-2006: increase over previous year indicated beside each bar. (Source: EPA, 2008a)