About Mayo

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  • Aspects of Mayo

Where is Mayo?

Mayo is located in the west of Ireland.

If you want to see where Mayo is located you can look it up in an atlas. There is probably an atlas in your classroom or your school library.

You can also use Google Maps or other maps on the internet.

Can you find Mayo using Google Maps?

OSI Map of Mayo

Map of Mayo

Mayo is the second largest county in Connacht, and the fourth largest county in the whole of Ireland.

Click on the image to see a map of Mayo.

The county town is Castlebar. According to the 2006 census about 10,600 people live in Castlebar, the largest population of any town in May. Ballina is the second largest town, with just over 10,000 people living there in 2006.

Other towns in Mayo are Westport, Claremorris, Ballyhaunis, Swinford and Knock. Can you find all these towns on the map?

Achill is an island off the coast of Mayo. It is the largest island in Ireland. Can you find it on the map?