History of Transport in Mayo

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  • Aspects of Mayo

Getting from A to B

Getting from A to B has never been easier - you can travel to most places in Ireland by car or bus, trains will take you to many parts of the country. If you are in a hurry you can fly or if you prefer a more leisurely pace you can travel by bicycle or on foot. The islands which lie off the coast can be reached by ferries, some of them by airplane and you can even drive to Achill, Ireland's biggest island.

Of course, cars, trains and planes would not be much use without roads and bridges, railway tracks and airport runways. Part of an ancient route, the Tóchar Phádraig, is found in Mayo. One of the oldest bridges in the country is located near Louisburgh.

On the following pages we will look in more detail at some aspects of the history of transport in Mayo.