Sustainable transport

Cutting down on air travel, even by 1 or 2 flights per year can dramatically reduce your carbon footprint. See ‘Holiday at Home’ on the previous page for more details.

If flying, look out for airlines that provide offsetting packages or have modified their fleets to make them more energy efficient.

Try to seek out alternative methods of transport such as train, bus and   boat which are normally responsible for fewer emissions per person per kilometre than cars and planes. These methods of travel can be a wonderful way to see changing landscapes and to explore new cultures.

For more information on sustainable transport options in Ireland :

Bus and rail


Dublin Bikes


Irish ferry service providers

When travelling abroad

For information on rail and boat transport services around the world see:

This website entitled “The Man in Seat 61” will provide you with details on how to travel overland or by boat both comfortably and affordably where you might otherwise have assumed that a flight was the only option

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