St. Senan's Well

St. Senan's Well lies about 70 feet west of the Round Tower. This is the spot where, during a drought, an Angel showed Senan where to find water, using a holly branch (or hazel or sometimes elder) as diviner. This was then planted and became a sacred tree. George Harratt, in his book on Scattery Island, writes 'The Angel directed Senan to a spot where, rooting the ground with his staff, the well sprang forth. Senan set down his staff by the well and a hazel tree grew from the staff.' A leaf from this tree was believed to have protective powers.

The people of Scattery never entered a graveyard except for a funeral or month's mind. It was also thought that bodies buried at Shanakyle on the mainland during bad weather would be miraculously removed to Scattery's holy soil from where it was easier to enter Heaven.

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