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The Common Frog

Loscann Coiteann

The Common Frog is the only species of frog found in Ireland. The Common Frog is protected because the number of them in Europe is getting lower.

A Frog's Life!

The Common Frog can live for up to seven or eight years. It likes to stay in damp areas like ponds, drains, hedgerows or ditches. It doesn't like the cold frosty weather. During the winter it lives in tree stumps or rock piles where there is no frost.

The Common Frog has a long sticky tongue. It uses it to catch insects like snails, flies, slugs, worms and even spiders!

You can help protect the frog's habitat. Create a garden pond and soon you might find frogs living there!

The young of the Common Frog hatch from April to May and grow into froglets (baby Frogs). Young frogs usually double in size by the following autumn!

How much do you grow in one year?


Did you know?

The Common Frog's eyes and nostrils are on top of its head so it can still see and breathe even when most of its body is underwater!

The Common Frog can breathe through its skin as well as its lungs!

The female frog can lay thousands of eggs in her life. Less than 1 in 10,000 need to live to keep the frog population the same.