Algae - Seaweed
Seaweeds are marine algae. They come in green, brown and red. This algae are found throughout the world's oceans and seas and none is known to be poisonous and many are actually nice to eat.
Copyright Environmental Protection AgencyCopyright Environmental Protection Agency
Algae - Seaweed
Seaweeds are marine algae. They come in green, brown and red. This algae are found throughout the world's oceans and seas and none is known to be poisonous and many are actually nice to eat.
Copyright Environmental Protection AgencyThe main group of plants that live in the sea are called seaweeds. You can see lots of seaweeds along the beach. These have been washed up by the tide. Seaweeds need lots of sunlight to grow, just like plants that grow on land.
Seaweeds are different from land plants in other ways. They have no roots, leaves or flowers. They can get all the nutrients they need from the water!
There are over 5,000 different types of seaweeds in the ocean. They can grow in all different shapes, sizes and colours. Giant kelp is the largest plant that grows in the ocean. It can grow up to 100 metres tall!
Just like plankton, seaweeds are very important food to life in the ocean. Seaweeds are also habitat to all sorts of different marine animals e.g. starfish.