Changes in Ireland

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What can we do in Ireland

In Ireland people can:

  • Use buses or trains instead of cars.
  • Walk or use bicycles instead of cars.
  • Put solar panels on their houses to heat water from the sun.
  • Insulate their houses so they don’t need so much heat to keep warm.
  • Grow lots of food in the garden instead of just lawns.

Rich countries like Ireland use much more energy than poor countries.

But the effect of climate change is felt most in poor countries in Africa and Asia .

Is this fair?

Should we try to help people in these countries?

What are you going to do to save energy?

How will you save energy in travelling?
Walk for short journeys.

How will you save electricity at home?
Nothing on standby, put off lights etc

 How will you save energy needed for heating?
Close doors. Wear warmer clothes

 How will you save water?
Turn off taps when washing teeth. Use mini flush on toilets

 How will you find out where your food comes from?
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