Waste in the Town

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Litter outside shops


Green Gráinne sees litter every day on her way to school.

What does she see when she passes the newspaper and sweet shop?

Examples of litter include:
sweet papers
chewing gum
cigarette butts
plastic bottles [video link:
acting against the littering of plastic bottles]

Why is the street full of litter

Because the bin-men haven’t swept it up yet? -  No – bin men didn’t put it there.

Because careless people threw it there?   - Yes

Because there was no bin and people couldn’t carry it until they met a bin - Yes

Because the people who throw it cannot see how horrible it makes their town - Yes

Because the bin was full -  Is that a reason to throw it on the ground?

Green Flag

Eric’s school is lovely and clean. Why do you think there is no litter in Eric's school?

  • Pupils must eat their lunch in class before going outside
  • Pupils pick up any litter they see
  • Pupils don’t throw any litter – they are proud of their green flag and don’t want to lose it.
  • There are enough bins in the schools for any waste and recyclable material.
  • There is a compost bin for vegetable waste.