Leamhan Stuaghlas

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Leamhan Stuaghlas

Tá breis agus 500 speiceas de leamhain in Éirinn. Maireann an leamhan stuaghlas i seanchoillearnaigh agus faoi mar a dhéanann a lán leamhain coillearnaí itheann sé duilleoga crann. Tá duaithníocht iontach ag na cinn fásta i measc duilliúir na coillearnaí. Is é ceann de na bianna is fearr ag ialtóga iad leamhain.

Green Arches Moth

has more than 500 moth species. The green arches moth lives in old woodland, and like many woodland moths, it eats tree leaves. The adult is brilliantly camouflaged amidst the woodland foliage. As with other moths, it is a favourite food for bats.