Industry and Agriculture

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  • Aspects of Clare


The majority of farms in Clare concentrate on beef production followed by dairying.

Forestry is an important industry in Clare. About 16% of land is forested. This is twice the national average of 8%.


There are many companies located in Shannon, in the south of Clare. Altogether, these companies employ nearly 8,000 people.

Some of these companies make medical equipment and medicines. Others are involved in the aerospace industry.


Tourism is a very important industry in Clare. Some of the country's most popular tourist attractions are located there. The Burren and the Cliffs of Moher attract thousands of visitors every year.

The first scheduled commercial flights from Shannon began in 1945. As Ireland's second largest airport, Shannon has been very important for tourism and business in the Shannon region and in the west of Ireland. Approximately 3.7 million people travelled through Shannon in 2006.