Old Greenmount School
Building on the site at Gallows Green began in 1852. The name of the site was changed to Greenmount, so that people would not be reminded of the area's history. The building project was supervised by Brother Paul Townsend of the Presentation Brothers, who was a trained architect.
© Cork City Libraries.
The school was built to cater for the growing population around Gallows Green. Other schools in the area had become overcrowded. When it first opened in 1855, the school was known as St. Finbarr's.
There were two large rooms in the old school, one on each of two floors. There were over 150 children in each room, and several classes were taught in the same room. In those days, teachers were helped in their duties by senior pupils.
The Presentation Brothers applied for formal recognition for the school as a National School in 1880. It was refused, because there was a cross and harp at the front of the building. The absence of a royal crown was seen as disloyal to Queen Victoria. A crown was placed over the harp and recognition was granted. A short time later, the crown fell down, and was never replaced. The old school building is now used as a community centre.