Beach Flags

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Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council carries out extensive beach-cleaning on all beaches and acknowledges the importance to the community of such valuable amenities.

The Council maintains Seapoint and Killiney beaches, which have both been awarded Blue Flag status since 2005. It also maintains Corbawn, Sandycove and White Rock beaches. The last two beaches received Green Coast awards in 2005.

The Blue Flag is an internationally recognised standard of excellence for beaches. Each year, beaches must have their right to fly the Blue Flag renewed. To gain a Blue Flag, beaches must meet twenty-six standards covering water quality, beach management, safety, services, facilities, environmental education and information.

Safety flags are the traditional way to give information to the public about beaches.

Although safety flags can differ between countries, the International Life Saving Federation works to make them uniform across the world.

Types of beach flags include the following:

Red Flag: Dangerous conditions, do not swim.

Red and Yellow Flag: Lifeguard on duty, but swim with care and within the designated areas.