Divers and Events

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  • Baths and Bathing

'The local divers were led and inspired by the legendary Eddie Heron, who was our mentor both on and off the boards - to whom a separate article could be devoted - who was supported by Matt Feddis, Danno O'Brien, Val Demery - all Irish national diving champions - and I was happy to be involved also with my close diving companions Donal Brady, Leo Keegan, Gerry Daly and Eddie Coady.

'The visiting divers mostly came from the London Highgate Club and regular visitors over the years were - Johnny Rasche, Peter Heatley, Brian Phelps, Peter Squires, Olympic, Empire and international competitors all, as well as the Connolly sisters, and many more international guest divers, some of whose names I now regrettably forget.

'For club members the highlight of the season was the annual gala, and in the case of our club Sandycove, it was generally a two-night affair with swimming, water-polo, and primarily diving, featuring exhibition international spring and high board diving, as well as the ever popular comedy and fancy dress diving performances by the home and visiting divers.'

'For the serious exhibition, our suave announcer was Liam Boyd, who however had problems when it came to covering the madcap organised-chaos comedy diving displays, which featured diving through flaming hoops, performing from stilts and step ladders and bicycles from the ten metre platform and other innovative dives such as the famous four man chain dives from the top board, which formed the spectacular finale each year.

'This was our chance to get dressed up in fancy dress - convict uniforms, pantomime animal outfits - monkey, two-man cows, cat suits and elegant ladies outfits, high heels and a chance to indulge in cross-dressing before it was fashionable or acceptable! Members of the comedy fancy dress teams A and B, in addition to those already named included a cast of extras drawn from Ronnie Kavanagh, Noel and Philip Feddis, Michael Cunningham, Johnny Richardson, Graham Byrne, Bob Hall, Joe Kenny and a host of others down the years.

'At other galas I can remember seeing swimmers and polo players and teams from Australia, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Holland, Iceland, Israel, Scotland - the famous Wardrop twins, Jack and Bert, Sweden, the United States and Wales. I'm sure there were others which just escape me right now.'