Corlea Trackway

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  • Aspects of Longford

An Ancient Road

One of the largest bog trackways in Europe, dating from 148 B.C., was discovered in Kenagh, County Longford in May 1985. This is one of the most important archaeological finds ever made in County Longford.

The discovery was made when harvesting machinery uncovered a massive trackway about six feet down in Corlea Bog.

Excavations have found evidence of settlements dating back to 5000 B.C. The largest roadway is made from massive oak, beech and elder beams. The beams measure from 11 to 13 feet long and about one foot wide. It took about 2000 mature oak trees to make one mile of roadway. It is thought that the tress were transported across the marshy bogland on men's shoulders.

The purpose of the trackway remains a mystery. Experts have claimed that it was one of the five great roads which led to Tara.

Experts also say that it is highly sophisticated for road construction of this time. Excavators have also found evidence which shows how people lived and worked at the time the trackway was built.