Edgeworthstown House

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  • Aspects of Longford

Richard Lovell Edgeworth

Richard Lovell Edgeworth

Edgeworthstown House was originally built in 1672 by Richard Edgeworth, Maria Edgeworth's grandfather. The house was enlarged and modernised by Richard Lovell Edgeworth, Maria's father.

There was a curved staircase in the centre of the house. In 1812, an oriel window

Oriel Window. Illustration courtesy of ArtToday.com

Oriel Window. Illustration courtesy of ArtToday.com

  was added to Maria's bedroom in the north-west corner of the house. This gave a few feet of space and additional light but was badly built and fell off well before the end of the century. Some rooms also had curved walls and unusually styled large windows.

Edgeworth was a busy and inventive man. His inventions included a central heating system whereby warm air was pumped into the room from above the chimney pieces and a machine which was used to measure land. He was also very interested in education and wrote many books on the subject.

Edgeworthstown House Today

Edgeworthstown House remained in the hands of the Edgeworth family until the 1930s.