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  • Aspects of Mayo

Mountains, Lakes and Rivers

Mayo is the third largest county in Ireland. The Atlantic Ocean borders the north and west of the county, while the counties of Sligo and Roscommon lie to the east and Galway lies to the south.

Mweelrea (814m) is the highest mountain in both Mayo and Connacht. The Nephin Mountains in the west of the county contrast with the flat landscape around them. Nephin (806m) itself is the second highest mountain in Connacht. The Ox Mountains in the north of the county are composed of granite.

Lough Mask is the largest lake in Mayo. It is connected by an underground waterway with Lough Corrib in Co. Galway. Lough Conn, Lough Cullin and Lough Carra are other large lakes in Mayo.

The Moy River is the most important river in Mayo. It rises in Sligo and flows south. Ballina is built on the Moy. The river is famous with fishermen the world over. Salmon, trout and pike can be fished there. The Moy Estuary is where the river meets the Atlantic Ocean.

Mayo has the longest coastline of any county in Ireland and is also home to Ireland's largest island, Achill. Ireland's only fjord, Killary Harbour, forms a partial border between Mayo and Galway. It is 16 km long and up to 45 metres deep in places.  Click here to see an aerial view of Killary Harbour.

Lewis' Map of Mayo, 1837

This map of Mayo dates from 1837. Can you find these features on it?:

Mount Nephin
Lough Conn
Lough Mask
River Moy