Edmund Remembered

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  • Aspects of Waterford City

The Founder of the Christian Brothers

Edmund Rice died in 1844, but he will always be remembered throughout the world as the founder of the Irish Christian Brothers, who opened their first school in Waterford in 1802.Edmund Rice educated the poor for free at a time when the idea of the right to education for all classes in society was not widely accepted. He also fed and clothed many children. Today, education is seen as an established right in all civilised societies. There are now over 600 Christian Brothers Schools worldwide, with more than 850,000 pupils.

Edmund Rice was beatified by Pope John Paul II on October 6 1996 due to a medical miracle that was attributed to him. Beatification declares someone 'Blessed' and is the final step before canonization. If another miracle were attributed to him, Edmund Rice would be declared a saint.

On beatifying Edmund Rice, Pope John Paul II said:

'Here we have an outstanding model of a true lay apostle and a deeply committed religious.'