1700s and 1800s

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  • Aspects of Waterford City

Booming Business

In the early 1700s, the council decided to demolish the city walls facing the river. They used the remains of the walls to widen the quays and open them up for more commerce.

More merchants settled in Waterford, as trade boomed and diversified. Waterford became a leading producer and exporter of bacon. Trade in butter and corn was also important and large stores were built along the Quays.

Markets grew in the area selling hay and straw, potatoes, fresh fish and vegetables.

By the end of the eighteenth century, trade with Newfoundland, a large island off the east coast of North America that now makes up part of Cananda, was increasing in importance.

Nearly seventy boats sailed over and back from Newfoundland every year with about 5,000 people travelling from Waterford and the adjoining areas.

As a direct result of the trade in the Port, many new jobs were created in the city. Goods were deposited along the quays before there were cars or trucks, so many people were needed to offload, upload and transport the produce around the quays.

Shipbuilding was also a major industry in Waterford City between 1820 and 1882. White's Shipyard and Malcomson's Ironworks Shipyard were the most prominent.