This topic clothing relates closely to many of the objectives of the strand units of the Geography Curriculum for First and Second. These are listed below for planning purposes. Examples of the clothing topic have been added (in brackets) to the relevant strands.
Strand: Human environments
Strand Unit: Living in the local community
My family and community
The child should be enabled to:
- explore and discuss his/her role and that of others in the family, school and local community
(examples work-clothes of a chef, shop assistants, nurse, garda, stall -owner, tailor/seamstress) - become aware of and learn to value the diversity of people who live in the local community and the contribution they make
(e.g. variety of clothing worn by different ages, genders, cultures, professions in local community and the contribution made by members of local community to production/sale of clothing) - begin to recognise the interdependence of individuals and groups in the local community
people we rely on to bring us food and other things (e.g. clothes)
ways in which we can help others in the community (donating old clothes to charity, recycling bins) - develop some awareness of people living in other areas and of the links between them and the local community
people encountered in stories, pictures, on television (clothes being produced abroad)
People at work
The child should be enabled to:
- investigate the work of people in a range of locations in the locality (e.g. those involved in the clothing industry, and those who wear uniforms in their professions)
- discuss and record simply the buildings and places where people work, especially those in the locality (Simple maps of local shopping centres/areas and identifying/marking in the location of specific clothes shops)
- become aware of the work of people in other areas who supply food and other products to us (e.g. clothes)
Strand: Human environments
Strand Unit: People and places in other areas
The child should be enabled to:
- become familiar with some aspects of the lives of people and especially of children in Ireland, Europe and other areas
peoples and communities
needs of people for food, shelter and clothes
games, songs and customs, festivals and feasts (e.g. clothes worn for same)
environments in which people live
adapting to environments (e.g. wearing suitable clothes) - appreciate ways in which people in different areas depend on one another and on people living in other parts of the world (clothes and fabrics from other areas; the story of cotton)
Strand: Natural environments
Strand Unit: Weather
The child should be enabled to:
- identify ways in which weather influences the lives of people
clothes, homes, games, farming and other work, travel - observe and record the influences weather and seasonal changes have on people, animals and plants in the locality (Clothes worn in different seasons, colour, fabrics, thickness, absorbency etc)
Strand: Environmental awareness and care
Strand Unit: Caring for my locality
The child should be enabled to:
- realise that there is both an individual and a community responsibility for taking care of the environment
Caring for clothes and recycling old clothes at home and elsewhere - identify, discuss and implement simple strategies for improving and caring for the environment
caring for clothes, toys and other possessions