Writing in the 1920's
Copybook, nip and pot
Copybook, nip and pot
Copybook, nip and pot
Copybook, nip and pot
Copybook, nip and pot
These photographs of artefacts are a good way to imagine writing in the 1920's after hearing the audio. In this photograph you can see a small ink container or called a pot which was placed in the ink well of each desk. You would dip the nip of the pen into the inkwell and start to write.
Sign Posts in the 20th Century
In Ireland, sign posts are part of our heritage as they can be displayed in the Irish language 'Gaeilge'. Also, they help motorists route their journey. Road signage was displayed to the same level as it is today.
Sign Post in the 20th Century
The picture above shows a sign from the 20th Century that shows motorists there is a school ahead and students may be crossing so be prepared to stop. Is there any road signage at your school?

School Signpost Quiz
School Signpost Quiz