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National School Books in the Past

The geography school book, Compendium of Geography

Compendium of Geography school book dated 1887.

It is only 9.5 cm wide and 15cm in length. It was used by children in National Schools then.

Courtesy of Archive Church of Ireland College of Education, Rathmines.

  , was printed in Dublin in 1887. It is only 9.5cm wide and 15cm in length. It was used by children in National Schools then. Click on the extract and read the sections about Dublin and Ireland.

Discussion Time!

Discuss with your friends why this book looks different to your maths book in school.

Test your arithmetic!

This table will help you to know about measurement of distances using yards, feet and inches.

Arithmetic table

Sometimes we hear some of these measurements used in Ireland particularly by older people who used them in school. We hear about miles and in horse racing people might say that a horse has won by a furlong.


Activity Arithmetic

Activity Arithmetic