Flight of the Earls
Flight of the Earls
Sean O Brogain's drawing of the Ulster earls, Hugh O'Neill and Rory O'Donnell, being rowed by some of their followers from the port of Rathmullan, Co Donegal to board their ship for Spain.
Sean O BrogainSean O Brogain
Flight of the Earls
Sean O Brogain's drawing of the Ulster earls, Hugh O'Neill and Rory O'Donnell, being rowed by some of their followers from the port of Rathmullan, Co Donegal to board their ship for Spain.
Sean O BrogainIn 1607, Hugh O’Neill, a great Gaelic chief, left Ireland for Europe along with many other powerful Irish chiefs like Rory O’Donnell. This became known as the Flight of the Earls. They hoped to get help from the king of Spain but the earls never returned to Ireland.
After the earls left, English laws and language took hold in Ulster. In 1609, the Ulster Plantation began on the orders of King James I.
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