Laois County Library
Welcome to Laois County Library on the Ask About Ireland website, presented to you by the Local History Department of Laois County Library. The library contains a rich collection of unique material on all the various historical aspects of the county of Laois. On this website you are invited to browse a sample of the collection available. Here you can immerse yourself in the multifaceted dimensions of Laois' local history, which will hopefully capture your imagination and entice you to further explore the wonderful heritage of this great O'Moore County. Each of our branch libraries in Laois have a dedicated local history section, and rest assured, if you visit these libraries you will be captivated by the enchanting history of the county.
If you would like to find out more, you can access the Laois County Library website. If you have a specific enquiry, you can send an email to the local studies contact, Amanda Hyland.
Mountmellick Library, Co. Laois - interior view
Mountmellick library includes a large study area and comfortable modern seating.
Mountmellick Library, Co. Laois - interior view
Mountmellick library includes a large study area and comfortable modern seating.