Distance between towns and villages in 1788

The following distances in Irish miles is taken from Grand Jury Map of County Carlow 1788.

The Irish Mile

The Irish mile measured 2,240 yards and therefore differed in length from the modern Statute mile which measures 1,760 yards. The Irish mile was used legally in Ireland until 1826.

Distance from Carlow to
Tullow 7 ¼ Irish miles [9 ¼ Statute miles]
Rathvilly 9 ½ Irish miles
Hacketstown 13 ¾ Irish miles
Leighlinbridge 6 Irish miles
Washingtongreen 9 Irish miles
Borris 15 ¼ Irish miles
Newtownbarry 15 ¼ Irish miles
Clonegal 14 Irish miles
Graiguenamanagh 19 Irish miles
Nurney 5 Irish miles

The distance from Carlow to Tullow is shown as 7 ¼ Irish miles. To calculate the same distance in Statute miles, multiply 2,240 (the number of yards in an Irish mile) by 7 ¼. This equals 16,240 and then divide by 1,760 (the number of yards in a Statute mile). The answer is 9.23, approximately 9 ¼ Statute miles. Can you calculate the distances in Statute miles between the various towns and villages?

Distance from Tullow to
Rathvilly 4 ¾ Irish miles [6 Statute miles]
Hacketstown 8 Irish miles
Leighlinbridge 9 ¾ Irish miles
Washingtongreen 10 Irish miles
Borris 10 ½ Irish miles [13.36 Statute miles]
Newtownbarry 10 Irish miles
Clonegal 7 ¼ Irish miles
Graiguenamanagh 21 Irish miles

Distance from Rathvilly to
Hacketstown 4 ¾ Irish miles
Leighlinbridge 14 ½ Irish miles
Washingtongreen 14 ¾ Irish miles
Borris 21 Irish miles
Newtownbarry 13 ¼ Irish miles
Graiguenamanagh 21 ¼ Irish miles

Distance from Hacketstown to
Leighlinbridge 19 ¾ Irish miles
Washingtongreen 18 Irish miles
Borris 24 ½ Irish miles
Newtownbarry 18 Irish miles
Graiguenamanagh 28 ¼ Irish miles

Distance from Leighlinbridge to
Newtownbarry 14 Irish miles
Clonegal 13 ¼ Irish miles

Distance from Borris to
Newtownbarry 13 Irish miles 16 ½ Statute miles
Clonegal 11 ¼ Irish miles

Distance from Newtownbarry to
Graiguenamanagh 19 ½ Irish miles

Distance from Clonegal to

Graiguenamanagh 18 ¾ Irish miles

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