The Nineteenth Century
Clones, Co. Monaghan
The development of towns in the nineteenth century was dependent on regular markets and fairs, like at Clones in County Monaghan
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganImage courtesy of Kevin Mulligan
Clones, Co. Monaghan
The development of towns in the nineteenth century was dependent on regular markets and fairs, like at Clones in County Monaghan
Image courtesy of Kevin MulliganWhile the Irish Parliament had achieved some economic and legislative autonomy before the end of the eighteenth century, the French-inspired egalitarian ideals of the United Irishmen brought the century to a tumultuous close, in the form of the 1798 Rebellion. This resulted in the passing of the Act of Union in 1801 and the end of an imperfect independence. The foundations for the prosperity of the early nineteenth century had been laid in sustained economic growth from 1760 to 1815.In that time, Irish exports increased dramatically, assisted greatly by the Napoleonic wars. Despite the appalling consequences of the Great Famine for most of the impoverished population, there was remarkable building activity in Ireland throughout the nineteenth century.
Catholic Emancipation brought with it the rise of a new middle class, which developed its businesses, provided growth in the banking sector and helped to create suburban life. The Catholic middle classes also financially supported the often-bold architectural statements of its newly liberated Church. Much of the building activity of this period offers evidence of a new emphasis on social responsibility, with the provision of schools, hospitals, workhouses and prisons. There was unprecedented investment in infrastructure, with the extension of the waterways system and the introduction of the railways, bringing with them evidence of the industrial age and exciting new forms of architecture.
materials and was central to the development of the modern architecture of the twentieth
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