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- Irish Scientists
Science & Technology
- An Táin Bó Cuailgne: The Cattle-Raid of Cooley
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- Christian Brothers: Irish Grammar
Digital Books | An Chomhairle Leabharlanna
- Myths and Legends of South County Dublin
Life & Society | South Dublin County Library
- Cúchullain and Emer
Life & Society | Louth County Museum
Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton was born in 1874 in County Kildare.
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Ireland has a rich heritage of invention and discovery, of science and engineering. Mary Mulvihill introduces some of our Irish scientists and tells us of their key discoveries in this article on Science and Technology.
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The Hell-Fire club today
Photograph shows the condition of the Hell-Fire club building as it is today.
Old Bawn House
Old Bawn House which has since been demolished. The chimneypiece belonging to Old Bawn House is now in the National Museum in Dublin.
Oisin returns to Ireland
Oisin returns to Ireland. He tries to find Fionn and the Fianna but finds out they are long dead. He returns to Glenasmole. He has been away for three hundred years. Pre-Christian Ireland legend.
Oisin meets with Saint Patrick
Oisin,now an old man, meets with Saint Patrick. They talk about the Fianna and the differences between pagan Ireland and Early Christian Ireland.
Oisin leaves Niamh to return to Ireland
Drawing shows Oisin leaving Niamh and Tir na nOge to return to Ireland. He promises Niamh that he will not set his foot on the ground in Ireland. Oisin was the son of Fionn, chief of the Fianna. Set in pre-Christian Ireland.
Oisin helps men in Tallaght to move a boulder.
Oisin helps a group of men in Tallaght to move a boulder. He sent the stone rolling down the hill and the men were amazed by this young man. Legend of Pre-Christian Ireland
Members of the Hell-Fire Club
Painting showing the members of the Hell-Fire Club at one of their meetings. The members are in their club uniform and have the punch-bowl on the table in front of them. Meetings held in club on Mountpelier Hill
Hell-Fire Club punchbowl
Picture of the punch bowl belonging to the Hell-Fire Club. The club was situated on Mountpelier Hill. The bowl was used during the eighteenth century.
fish 2
beef and whiskey
Vegetable soup
Rack of lamb
Poached pears
Guinness bread 1
Yeats, W.B., Later Poems, MacMillan And Co. Ltd., London, 1931
Later Poems by William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) was published in 1931 and is among the final collections of poems produced by the Nobel prize winning Irish nationalist, poet and senator.
Smith, Charles. The ancient and present state of the city of Cork. Volume 1. Dublin: W. Wilson, 1774
Charles Smith's The Ancient And Present State of the City of Cork exists in two volumes and describes the history of Cork city from earliest times until the latter half of the 18th century. His work has a broad scope covering a range of natural, civil, ecclesiastical, historical and topographical information.
Life & Society | Cork City Library
Ferguson, Sir Samuel, Lays Of The Red Branch, Dublin:Seals, Bryers & Waker, 1897
Sir Samuel Fergusons' collection of mythological tales Lays Of The Red Branch was published in 1897. The book is based on the ‘Ulster Cycle’ of Gaelic mythological legends.
Life & Society | Dublin City Public Libraries
A Complete History of the Westmeath Hunt
A Complete History of the Westmeath Hunt from its foundation, with description of the country and accounts of runs, reminiscences of different packs which have hunted in the county during the last hundred years, and some interesting bits of county history, amusing scenes in the field (illustrated), appendix (in verse), the W. M. H. in Jubilee Year, list of members (illustrated), with likenesses by Colonel James Smyth. By Edmund F. Dease. Dublin 1898
Life & Society | Westmeath County Library
102 Sketches of Irish Character
An Chomhairle Leabharlanna
The Young Builder's Rudiments
The Young Builder's Rudiments: or the principles of geometry, mechanicks, mensuration and perspective, geometrically demonstrated. Together with the five orders of columns in architecture, according to the proportions of the celebrated Palladio. Calculated for the use of workmen, gentlemen and others, who delight in designing, drawing, painting, engraving, and gardening, &c. Adorn'd with about thirty large copper plates, curiously engrav'd by J. Vandergucht and B. Cole. By B. Langley. London: Printed for J. Millan at his shop near White-Hall, MDCCXXX.
Digital Books | Other
ghosts of old dublin 2
Libraries | Dublin City Public Libraries
ghosts of old dublin 1
Libraries | Dublin City Public Libraries