Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau has a fascinating ancestry. ‘Mau’ is the Egyptian word for ‘cat’ and this breed can easily be recognised in the artwork of the ancient Egyptians. There is little question that it was domesticated from a subspecies of the African Wild Cat by the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptian Mau was highly respected and played a central role in the culture and everyday life in Ancient Egypt.

This is a strikingly beautiful breed and is the only naturally spotted breed of domestic cat in the world. The Egyptian Mau is a graceful, elegant cat that is extremely intelligent. Show cats usually have silver, bronze or smoke coloured coats, but they do appear in other colours besides these. Like the cheetah, the Egyptian Mau has a skin fold under its belly to help it to run faster by allowing a greater hind leg stretch. It is very loyal to both its own family and the human family with whom it lives.

The Egyptian Mau is a healthy, long-living breed of cat. While its short hair is self-maintaining and does not require special grooming, the cats will enjoy being brushed by its owner.

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