Kerry Beagle


One of the oldest Irish hound breeds, the Kerry Beagle is commonly believed to be a descendant of the ‘Old Southern Hound’ or ‘Celtic Hounds’. In Old Irish texts there is mention of a type of dog called “gadhar”, which is believed to be the direct ancestor of the Kerry Beagle.

Description & function

The Kerry Beagle is a large, fine-looking dog and is an extremely efficient, instinctive hunter. Packs of the breed are still used in Ireland today for hunting hares. Foot hunting is a popular sport for the enjoyment of following a pack, although it is rare that a hare is caught. Traditionally, the Kerry Beagle was used to hunt stag. It is known for its speed and endurance.

The coat of the Kerry Beagle is most commonly black and tan in colour, but can also be tan and white, or blue mottled and tan.

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