Kerry Blue Terrier


The Kerry Blue has its origins in Co. Kerry, where it was pure-bred in mountains for over 100 years. It is believed that this breed has much deeper roots in Irish history, but given its principal role as companion to the common man there are few early references to it. During the early part of the 20th century, the Kerry Blue became symbolic of Ireland’s Celtic past and enjoyed somewhat of a revival through the nationalist cause. Irish revolutionary leader Michael Collins had a Kerry Blue named ‘Convict 224’.

Description & function

This medium-sized dog is known as a gentle, friendly and loyal companion. It has superior hunting skills and was originally bred for hunting badgers, vermin, small game and birds. The Kerry Blue also makes an excellent watch dog and is widely used by farmers for herding flocks and tackling otters in deep waters.

The breed is named for its soft, wavy coat of blue-shaded hair. Young pups may have black or tan coloured hair.

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