Forests as Carbon Sinks
Forests are natural carbon stores, and are known as carbon dioxide sinks when they are increasing in density or area. Sustainable forest management increases forest carbon stocks.
Courtesy of the EPACourtesy of the EPA
Forests as Carbon Sinks
Forests are natural carbon stores, and are known as carbon dioxide sinks when they are increasing in density or area. Sustainable forest management increases forest carbon stocks.
Courtesy of the EPAWhile Ireland has a low level of forestry compared to most countries in Europe, the area under trees here has increased steadily, reaching 11% in 2012 (EPA, 2012). Forests absorb and store carbon, they are significant habitats for wildlife and they provide important amenity value to us.
Traditionally, farmers were reluctant to tie up their land in trees, but there are now a range of incentives to encourage them to do so. However, due to restrictions on the planting of unenclosed land imposed during 2011, much work needs to be done if we are to achieve the stated target of 17% land cover by 2030. The slow-down in annual planting can be seen in the graph below. This downward trend correlates with the change from state-led to private-led grant-aided afforestation in the 1980s and 1990s.
The latest statistics on forestry in Ireland can be viewed on the Teagasc website here.
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