Stormwater Preventative Measures

Sustainable drainage systems (SuDs) are a collection of water management practices that mimic the natural water cycle. SuDs policy was implemented in the Dublin region in 2005 for new developments. Dublin City Council understands that effective stormwater management is best achieved using the SuDs train treatment approach and outlines the concept’s four objectives to ensure the mitigation of changes in stormwater runoff flows as well as the impacts of stormwater quality on receiving systems:

1. Pollution prevention; spill prevention, recycling, public awareness and participation

 2. Source control: conveyance and infiltration of runoff. 

3. Site Control: reduction in volume and rate of surface runoff, with some additional treatment provided, and 

4. Regional Control: Interception of runoff downstream of all source and on-site controls to provide follow–up flow management and water quality treatment

For further information on SuDs please visit the Dublin City Council website.

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