Irish Water
Irish Water is a state-owned subsidiary of the Bord Gáis Éireann Group, which was founded in July 2013 following the enactment of the Water Services Act 2013. It is responsible for the operation of public water services including the maintenance of the water system, investment and planning, and customer care and billing.
Regulated by the Commission for Energy Regulation for economic matters, and the Environmental Protection Agency for environmental matters, Irish Water brings the water and wastewater services of the 34 Local Authorities together under one national service provider.
With the initial intention of charging domestic consumers on a metered basis for water consumption, Irish Water was forced to refund those who had paid water charges, as a result of mass protest and non-payment of water charges by the general public. More information on the current state of Irish Water and their future plans can be found here.
The relationship with Local Authorities
Irish Water has taken over responsibility for water and wastewater services from Local Authorities on a phased basis from January 2014.
When it is fully established, Irish Water will be responsible for the operation of all public water services. As well as responsibility for public water services, Irish Water will also be making capital and investment decisions regarding the country’s water infrastructure on a national basis.
For more information on Irish Water, see the Q&A section on Irish Water's website
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