Water Matters
Only 2.5% of the earth’s water is fresh water and, of that, less than 1% is accessible for use by humans.
We use approximately 1.6 billion litres of water in Ireland everyday (EPA, 2019). This water is taken from either surface waters or groundwater and the vast majority of this water abstraction is currently sustainable. However, rising demand and the impact of climate change means that some areas will experience a reduction in availability in the years to come. Action is the only response to the ever-growing threat faced by our global water supply. The change that just one person can make will help conserve and protect our waters. It is important that YOU consider and understand the issues facing our water environment and know what you can do to reduce your overall impact.
The public are encouraged under the WFD to participate in the River Basin Management Plans and to have input into the future sustainability of their River Basin District. More information on the current status of plans can be found here.
Swan and Cygnets
Our wildlife depends on our ability to conserve our natural resource
© Ann HennesseySwan and Cygnets - © Ann Hennessey
Port of Cork
The protection of the resource base upon which marine-related economic and social activities depend is vital.
Port of Cork -
The biodiversity of our country depends on the preservation of water purity in our local water bodies.
Lakeside -
Hydro Electric Dam
Sustained monitoring and management of our hydro electric stations is an essential part of the process of water conservation.
Hydro Electric Dam -
A Cloughlea stream
To preserve the natural beauty of our island it is essential they we all do our part to contribute to the environment and its conservation
Copyright Ger HusseyA Cloughlea stream - Copyright Ger Hussey
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