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Results of your search

In the results table below...
Click the 'occupants' icon to see who lived in the locality.
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Results 1 to 20 of 135 [next]

Placename County Barony Parish Townland Occupants Map Views
Baldurgan Dublin Nethercross Swords Baldurgan
Balheary Dublin Nethercross Swords Balheary
Balheary demesne Dublin Nethercross Swords Balheary demesne
Ballymadrough Dublin Nethercross Swords Ballymadrough
Barrysparks Dublin Nethercross Swords Barrysparks
Belinstown Dublin Nethercross Swords Belinstown
Brackenstown Dublin Nethercross Swords Brackenstown
Broad meadow Dublin Nethercross Swords Broad meadow
Brownstown Dublin Nethercross Swords Brownstown
Castlefarm Dublin Nethercross Swords Castlefarm
Common, east Dublin Nethercross Swords Common, east
Commons, west Dublin Nethercross Swords Commons, west
Cockstown Dublin Nethercross Swords Cockstown
Cremona Dublin Nethercross Swords Cremona
Crowscastle Dublin Nethercross Swords Crowscastle
Deanestown Dublin Nethercross Swords Deanestown
Dollards Dublin Nethercross Swords Dollards
Forrestfields Dublin Nethercross Swords Forrestfields
Forrest, great Dublin Nethercross Swords Forrest, great
Forrest, little Dublin Nethercross Swords Forrest, little

Results 1 to 20 of 135 [next]