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Results 1 to 20 of 4447 [next]

Placename County Barony Parish Townland Occupants Map Views
Nicker, village of Limerick Coonagh Grean Nicker
Pallas grean Limerick Coonagh Grean Pallas
Pallas grean (part of) Limerick Coonagh Grean Sunglen
Oola, village of Limerick Coonagh Oola Moanoola
Oola, village of (part of) Limerick Coonagh Oola Oolahills, west
Cloghilawarreela Limerick Coonagh Templebredon Cloghaready, south
Cullen, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Cullen Cloonmanagh
Cullen, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Cullen Monearmore
Emly, village of Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Emly Emly
Golden, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Relickmurry & athassel Baurstookeen
Golden, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Relickmurry & athassel Comerford's lot
Golden, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Relickmurry & athassel Hoops lot
Bansha, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Templeneiry Ballinlough, east
Cullen, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Cullen Monearmore
Cullen, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Cullen Rathduff
Emly, village of Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Emly Emly
Golden, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Relickmurry & athassel Baurstookeen
Golden, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Relickmurry & athassel Castlepark
Golden, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Relickmurry & athassel Comerford's lot
Golden, village of (part of) Tipperary, south riding Clanwilliam Relickmurry & athassel Hoops lot

Results 1 to 20 of 4447 [next]