Concept difficulties

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  • Children at this age may have a very limited idea of what is inside their bodies. Two parts, a stomach and a tube going into it, may be quite a common idea. The activities and information in this module provide an opportunity to add to their knowledge and understanding of their bodies.
  • Where children draw internal body parts they quite often are not the correct shape nor are correctly placed.
  • Many children may provide answers that incorporate the heart, bones, stomach and brain. In general they tend to draw organs or parts which are more easily sensed ? the heart that beats or bones which can be felt.
  • Many children when they draw a heart will show it as a valentine shaped structure on the left side of the body whereas it is more towards the centre.
  • Children may have many different ideas about what blood does or how it moves around the body. Some may think it moves itself and some may think it is just sloshing around in their body like in a big bottle.
  • Children often think of muscles as being in arms and legs but not in other parts of the body.