About Clare

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  • Aspects of Clare

Clare is located in the west of Ireland.

If you want to see where Clare is located you can look it up in an atlas. There is probably an atlas in your classroom or your school library.

You can also use Google Maps or other maps on the internet.

Can you find Clare using Google Maps ?

Map of Clare

Clare is in the province of Munster.

The Atlantic Ocean borders the west and northwest of the county and the River Shannon borders much of the south. Galway lies to the north, Tipperary to the east and Limerick shares a short border with Clare in the south.

Click on the image to get a closer look at a map of Clare.

Ennis is the county town. Other major towns are Shannon, Kilrush, Newmarket-on-Fergus and Kilkee.

Can you find these towns on the map?:


Did You Know?

Did you know that Clare is also known as the 'Banner County'? Click here to find out why.